Daily25 Betting Blog

Apr 16th – Apr 22nd +$13,443.79

Another week and another big profit. Any reasonable person would have quit in November when I had dropped $100,000 in the space of 60 days. Lucky for me I’m stubborn. Since then the profits have chugged along nicely with only a few hiccups along the way. Almost $180,000 profit in the last 6 months has turned this year right around and a $150,000 season is now not beyond me. If you asked where I would love to be at the end of the year in November, I would have given anything to break even. It just shows the power of my portfolio, even when my most heavily bet on sport fails, it can still make a profit. I can’t wait for the year where everything performs at once.

It’s been a busy Easter period and I can’t really remember the results this week, which is a good thing. I didn’t have time to watch most of the games and I felt better for it. Hopefully when I become a dad, I’ll have even less time and will only be able to place the bets and then record the results. I’m inching up closer and closer to actually making $250 a day and once that hits, maybe ill have to go even harder for $2,500 a day.. haha. Goals are great, but just like others, as soon as one is reached I like to move the goalposts a little further, which means you just need to enjoy the journey.

This week I added a new Baseball service, which I will call MLB for now. This service is fairly simple. It sends an email every day with the bets (H2H). There are usually between 2-5 bets and I am flat staking at $500 for now and looking to move up to $1000 when the season gets into a groove. So far odds are achievable and results are good. I have also added a new GOWI column and these are the unofficial GOWI bets that I manage to get on.

Onto the results and I had a nice win on the Tennis last night to hopefully kick start its season. $3,450 profit this week. AFL made a further $12,597 and silly me forgot to use a moving bank which has already cost me a large sum, from this week I will be moving the bank weekly. The Rugby made $530 and the NRL had a fine week adding $3,100 profit. So that makes a perfect Sportpunter week. Almost $20k profit from what is clearly the best service on the internet. It was quite laughable as I was exchanging some messages with the so called Tipster I am investigating and he laughed at me for loving Sportpunter so much and then went on to say “he is 10-16 in H2H bets for AFL, that is pathetic”, the fact that I had to explain to a so called Tipster with over 2,500 members (so he says) that the win percentage doesn’t matter and the fact that the average odds were about $6 just shows what a joke this guy is. More in coming weeks, just grabbing as much data as possible as he may have also broken the law and I want to make sure I have everything on file.

With the Sportpunter profit, that means everything else combined made a loss. Seems like I say that every single week. Football Elite has had a terrible ending to the season with a further $3,000 loss (although I missed a win as ClubGOWI opposed it and I had bet that first), Skeeve made $1,400 but I had bet singles on the multis as they were split over 2 days and when I went to put the winnings from the first bet on Whitehawk, the odds had come in and the books I had available wouldn’t take more then $100 on them so I had to leave it. Old trusty Combo Football Investor made $720 and TFA had a great week, only losing $1,300. My faith in ClubGOWI is slowly dissipating as he seems to be treading water lately and his write-ups are way off the mark. While I understand that tipsters want to only advertise the winning tips, he does seem to go out of his way when one of his write-ups is perfect, but never mentions the 5-10 wrong ones before that. Hopefully the last few months have just been a lull and things start moving in the right direction soon. $3,400 lost on the official bets and a further $1,100 on the unofficial ones.

Nics Picks golf has been in a slump and lost $875 this week and the new MLB tipster made $1,400.

Not long now until this horror of a soccer season ends. I won’t know what to do with my Saturday nights. Apart from maybe watch the World Cup. I know these runs don’t last forever, so just trying to enjoy my current position for as long as possible, but at the back of my head I know a draw-down will take place sometime soon. Let’s hope it isn’t for a while yet.

Total profit for the week was $13,443.79

Stats Year 4
Total bet amount: $3,501,524.84
Profit/Loss: $126,235.13
POT: 3.61%
Bets Placed: 5,965
Won: 2165
Lost: 3501
Half Payout: 34
Refunded: 265
Winning %: 38.2%
Total profit per day: $313,757.22 / 1392 = $225.40
Total Turnover: $13,251,354.37
Total ROI: 2.37%

ATP – SP $403,124.00 $11,331.21 2.8%
week profit/loss: 3449.49

AFL H2H – SP $60,638.00 $17,024.10 28.1%
week profit/loss: 2975

AFL Line – SP $364,735.00 $68,182.81 18.7%
week profit/loss: 9622.44

Rugby SP $31,201.00 $15,453.32 49.5%
week profit/loss: 531.20

NRL SP $25,918.00 $9,853.66 38.0%
week profit/loss: 3119.25

FB Elite $253,000.00 $(5,981.00) -2.4%
week profit/loss: -3030

Skeeve $132,217.00 $3,024.80 2.3%
week profit/loss: 1391

Combo FI $138,215.00 $11,213.88 8.1%
week profit/loss: 720

TFA $650,876.00 $(53,325.88) -8.17%
week profit/loss: -1367.80

ClubGowi $267,948.00 $9,037.14 3.4%
week profit/loss: -3408.60

GOWI $1,115.00 $(1,115.00) -100.0%
week profit/loss: -1115

NP Win $24,685.84 $(2,287.34) -9.3%
week profit/loss: -875

MLB $10,000.00 $1,431.50 14.3%
week profit/loss: 1431.50

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