Category: weekly


Aug 8th – Aug 14th -$6,162.56

A terrible week for the Horse racing system. Over $6,000 lost. AFL Line betting had it’s first profitable week in a long time and I hope this is a sign of things to come. Both...


Aug 1st – Aug 7th +$1,758.81

One of those weeks where I missed a massive profit because of just 1 kick. The big bet of the week was on the Western Bulldogs line at +48.5. At half time this bet was...


July 25th – July 31st -$6,248.33

Back from my holiday and this weeks loss would have been much less if I had stayed home. I missed some tennis bets because I was on a plane, which cost $3,000 in profit and...


July 18th – July 24th +$3,373.41

Just a quick update this week as I am in Fiji and would prefer to enjoy myself then talk about this frustrating week. AFL started well again this week as the biggest bet on Hawthorn...


July 11th – July 17th -$5,608.85

This was the week I had to have, The amazing AFL run ended abruptly with just 1 win from 11 bets. This coincided with the second week of moving banks which meant I was betting...


July 4th – July 10th + $13,490.27

A great start to year 3. This was the first week that the banks were increased to $75,000. AFL had another amazing week, and it could have been $6,000 better if not for 1 goal....


June 27th – July 3rd +$9,293.00

This week I said goodbye to my old spreadsheet, and hello to a new shiny one from Aussportsbetting . His old spreadsheet had served me very well for the past two years, but this new...


June 20th – June 26th +$1,927.03

Back to the grindstone after last weeks milestone. I am planning out the new staking for the start of my 3rd year. I will be posting about that in the coming days, but for now...


June 13th – June 19th +$13,494.41

WOOOHHHOOOOOOO 11 days short of my second year of betting, I have passed the magic 6 figures profit mark. The past 720 days have been crazy, exhausting, scary, fun, boring, exhilarating and a million other...


June 6th – June 12th -$3,941.68

A concern I have had for a while cropped up again this week with my Horse betting system. With all my UK accounts being closed and having to rely on Australian books only (I’ve been...