Daily25 Betting Blog

Dailytrades Month 2 Results

Dailytrades has now been running for the past few months. Well over 200 users tested the software and we have 25 paying customers using it day to day. The software constantly checks the odds of all major sports and alerts you the second a bookmaker has the wrong odds up (via web, mobile, slack). We have every major Australian, European and American facing bookmaker on the platform.

I don’t sell a product I wouldn’t use myself, so I have been using the Dailytrades software with the goal to make about $10,000 over the year to pay for my upcoming trip in 2018. Each month I post a video of my results. We are now into the second month and the results have been exactly where the maths said they would be.

Here are my results from the 7th of March to the 7th of April.



You can also start using the service anytime by heading to the Dailytrades website.