Daily25 Betting Blog

Dec 25th – Dec 31st +$5,325.89

Talk about timing. With just 12 hours before the new year, my total P/L for year 4 moves into profitable territory. I only dreamed of this moment of parity a few months ago. I’m quite pleased to be back where I started 6 months ago, the way Soccer has raped me (-$47,000) shows that my diversified portfolio can actually counteract any lean spell. When all systems are firing, the sky’s the limit. There are 3 final NBL games before the new year starts and these bets will be huge, so on New years day I might be back in negative territory, but for all intents and purposes let’s call it even. I’ll be attending one of those games and I’m sure there will be a large over bet on the game, so will be cheering every basket that falls. If Soccer can turn around in the second half of the season then I might just make some money in my 4th year.

My prior post was talking about how awesome the Sportpunter ATP model is, well it started with a win and then 4 losses. Still early days and a $1750 loss for it’s first week. It feels good to have the Tennis back and I might make an appearance at the Aussie open this year. The other current Sportpunter model (NBL) made $2,000 for the week.

Last week I said it was the final week of NFL, but I was wrong, that was this week (regular season) and the American sports once again did well. NFL made $2,000, NHL continued it’s semi comeback with $3,800 profit and NBA added to its fine season with a further $2,100 profit.

FB Elite continues its horrendous run losing another $3,000 this week. Not even getting close to a win. Will need a miracle run for anyone to be signing up again for the service next season. Combo Football Investor made $500, but Clubgowi and TFA lost $200 each.

So that ends 2013 for me. I will try and post a yearly review in the coming days once I’m recovered from what is sure to be a heavy night of drinking. Hope you all have a fantastic New year.

Total profit for the week was $5,325.89

Stats Year 4
Total bet amount: $1,778,857.00
Profit/Loss: $874.32
POT: 0.05%
Bets Placed: 3,017
Won: 1101
Lost: 1830
Half Payout: 3
Refunded: 83
Winning %: 37.6%
Total profit per day: $188,396.41 / 1280 = $147.18
Total Turnover: $11,528,686.53
Total ROI: 1.63%

ATP – SP $148,402.00 $6,585.31 4.4%
week profit/loss: -1750.56

FB Elite $98,000.00 $(14,685.00) -15.0%
week profit/loss: -3000

Skeeve $47,440.00 $1,067.90 2.3%
week profit/loss: 0

Combo FI $59,590.00 $2,635.00 4.4%
week profit/loss: 510

TFA $359,543.00 $(31,035.00) -8.48%
week profit/loss: -183.50

ClubGowi $43,240.00 $(2,012.50) -4.7%
week profit/loss: -208.50

NFL Totals $102,064.00 $(339.24) -0.3%
week profit/loss: 2014.67

NP Win $14,448.00 $(9,855.00) -68.2%
week profit/loss: 0

NHL Totals $166,940.00 $(8,749.49) -5.2%
week profit/loss: 3813.50

NBL Totals $58,713.00 $4,026.05 6.9%
week profit/loss: 1474.30

NBL Line $41,800.00 $18,287.05 43.7%
week profit/loss: 556.38

NBA Totals $80,867.00 $2,465.19 3.0%
week profit/loss: 2703.57

NBA H2H $48,278.00 $8,339.57 17.3%
week profit/loss: -603.97

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