A hat trick of winning weeks. A bigger win this week and so close to going well over $20,000 profit with some 90th minute goals costing me over $4,000 profit. But I will never complain with a weekly profit like that. The hope of breaking even by the end of the year is still burning bright now. I will see it as a massive win if after 6 months I’m break even.
Let’s start with the sport that has been saving my arse these last few months. NBL totals lost $500 but the Line bets resurrection have continued with over $3,000 profit. I keep saying that NBA reverses in January, but I can’t stop betting it at the moment as the current run has been incredible. My bank is much smaller for NBA as past results have not instilled much confidence, but what a season so far. This week saw another $2,500 profit for totals and an amazing $5,000 profit for the H2H’s. Pretty much backing against the lakers and heat have produced that profit.
Onto soccer and a very conservative week for Skeeve, a profit of $2,500 and I am happy to see a small win, but as he mentioned, he probably would have bet for higher odds if he hadn’t been on such a bad run, and this cost us a fair bit more profit as most of his picks won easily this week. FB Elite continues its poor run with another $1,500 loss. XX Draws added another $2,200 profit and if he can make even $1 profit next week then a small (very small) hamper will be on its way. Combo lost $1,000 and TFA Established made close to $5,000, and was so close to winning another $4,000. TFA Euro had a nice saving win with Lorient but still made a loss of $1,200. All up Soccer contributed $6,000 profit for the week. I’ll happily take that each week as well.
So we are now just $12,000 down since July 1st. Once (hopefully soon) we get back to $0, I will post up the graph of results. I feel it will be a good representation of what I have had to endure these last 6 months. It has been a struggle and I know it isn’t over yet. I can easily have a -$20,000 week and be right back where i was before, so I won’t take these last few weeks for granted. All I can do is keep to my portfolio and plugging away and hope that I get the expected returns.
Total profit for the week was $16,174.07
Stats Year 3
Total bet amount: $1,555,017.91
Profit/Loss: $(11,789.60)
POT: -0.76%
Bets Placed: 2,395
Won: 970
Lost: 1,384
Half Payout: 2
Refunded: 39
Winning %: 41.2%
Profit per day: $104,294.12 / 895 = $116.52
NBL Totals $53,741.00 $6,823.82 12.7%
week profit/loss: -527
NBL Line $31,192.00 $716.21 2.3%
week profit/loss: 3104.32
NBA Totals $86,307.00 $10,698.22 12.4%
week profit/loss: 2459.77
NBA H2H $48,242.00 $8,095.39 16.8%
week profit/loss: 5061.53
XX Draws $28,500.00 $(1,690.00) -5.9%
week profit/loss: -385
XX Draws Under $28,500.00 $(4,679.00) -16.4%
week profit/loss: -1160
XX Extended $66,500.00 $11,881.00 17.9%
week profit/loss: 1875
XX Extended Under $66,500.00 $5,902.50 8.9%
week profit/loss: 1859.50
FB Elite $98,819.00 $(20,154.97) -20.4%
week profit/loss: -1500
Skeeve $89,014.00 $(19,052.24) -21.4%
week profit/loss: 2547.20
Combo FI $83,500.00 $16,003.00 19.2%
week profit/loss: -952
6-22 $27,375.00 $2,179.50 8.0%
week profit/loss: 143.25
7-21 $42,110.00 $6,790.75 16.1%
week profit/loss: 2998.75
7-22 $17,310.00 $(1,465.50) -8.5%
week profit/loss: -126.75
8-21 $17,250.00 $1,016.63 5.9%
week profit/loss: 1316.25
8-22 $11,263.00 $(1,905.62) -16.9%
week profit/loss: 623.25
E1-E7 $22,500.00 $(166.87) -0.7%
week profit/loss: -1500
E2-E6 $25,500.00 $1,899.38 7.4%
week profit/loss: 168
E2-E7 $12,750.00 $(991.12) -7.8%
week profit/loss: -750
E3-E6 $11,625.00 $2,328.00 20.0%
week profit/loss: 1293
E3-E7 $6,375.00 $517.50 8.1%
week profit/loss: -375