Well, easy come easy go it seems. If this loss had come last week it would have been devastating. It’s funny how we perceive losses. I have written an article that will be posted tomorrow that has helped me deal with these horrendous weeks. Hopefully it might help you also, but I guess only if you have been doing this for a while and have made a profit (which is very few). The exact opposite to last week and from a position of hope, I now just feel empty again. Why I try and project forward when I have no control over the outcome is beyond me. As long as I continue to do the things I can control (getting best odds, recording everything, so on), then the results will look after themselves as they have done for the past 4 and a half years.
Sportpunter had an absolute shocker of a week. NBL by far the worst of a bad bunch, losing $14,000. The same thing happened in week 1 of the season and that was followed by weeks of great wins, hopefully I see a repeat. The NFL Totals made $1,700 and the NHL Totals lost $1,500. After a cracking first week in the NBA, it came back to earth with a $3,300 loss. On the rare occasions SP doesn’t perform well, the rest of the tipsters have a decent week. Apart from 1 or 2, that didn’t happen.
Gowi did well with $4,100 profit. Still waiting on my payout in the Golf which will be a very welcome addition. The other Golf tipsters lost $500 combined. PCG lost $100.
Onto the Football tipsters and I’m once again questioning why I decided to continue with TFA, another poor week with a $5,150 loss and that brings the season to well over $11,000 in the red. The only shining light is the Euro picks. At $500 stakes, it will only take a few good weeks to get that to break even, but the fact I’ll be cheering at break even is not a good sign. The last 2 seasons have been very different from the first one. I can’t remember the Winabob service having a winning week this year. A $400 loss this week brings his season loss to over $17,000. The shining light is Football Elite with back to back good weeks. This week $4,400 was added to the pot and I now sit on $6,400 profit. Once that hits $10,000 profit, then £100 will need to be paid. Football Value lost $1,000 and Football Investor lost $4,150 over the combo and Euro bets.
My little experiment with betting the opposite side when the odds move more then 20% continues to do well, with another $500 profit this week. Still early days and only 16 bets in totals, but I can see a time where I join popular services that make prices crash just so I can bet against them. My own personal picks had an absolute disaster week losing $3,300.
I was really hoping for this to be a +20k week and to be in a good position moving into the final month of the year, but that isn’t the case. Nothing I can do about it but continue on. No tipsters have reached the banks I set up for them, so right now there is no real concern. The roller-coaster continues on unabated and I’ll just cling on for dear life and hope that cliff never appears. Tune in tomorrow for a pretty decent article.
Total Loss for the week was $22,577.59
Stats Year 5
Total bet amount: $2,470,789.93
Profit/Loss: -$18,439.25
POT: -0.75%
Bets Placed: 3634
Won: 1315
Lost: 1739
Half Payout: 34
Refunded: 546
Winning %: 43.1%
Total profit per day: $329,085.59 / 1595 = $206.32
Total Turnover: $16,813,533.30
Total ROI: 1.96%
NBL Totals $21,960.00 $(11,126.69) -50.7%
week profit/loss: -3424.05
NBL Line $66,687.00 $18,360.84 27.5%
week profit/loss: -10452
NFL Totals $69,108.00 $12,139.71 17.6%
week profit/loss: 1733.68
NHL Totals $45,696.00 $11,100.98 24.3%
week profit/loss: -1533.43
NBA Totals $76,133.00 $13,018.50 17.1%
week profit/loss: 179.12
NBA H2H $50,465.00 $7,894.78 15.6%
week profit/loss: -3459.04
ClubGowi $309,053.00 $11,563.59 3.7%
week profit/loss: 4642.13
GOWI $9,451.00 $(2,360.00) -25.0%
week profit/loss: -519
PCG $143,467.00 $(3,863.71) -2.7%
week profit/loss: -128.50
Jason Kelly Golf $8,321.93 $(6,931.93) -83.3%
week profit/loss: -225
Betswot $8,313.00 $(6,558.00) -78.9%
week profit/loss: -300
FB Elite $47,250.00 $6,422.50 13.6%
week profit/loss: 4430
Football Value $20,000.00 $(205.00) -1.0%
week profit/loss: -1000
TFA 21 $91,109.00 $(8,049.30) -8.8%
week profit/loss: -2500
TFA 41 $93,800.00 $(12,531.00) -13.4%
week profit/loss: -1945
6-21-31 $52,707.00 $205.72 0.4%
week profit/loss: -2000
D1-D6 $29,500.00 $910.00 3.1%
week profit/loss: -70
E1-E6 $18,740.00 $7,935.00 42.3%
week profit/loss: 1350
Mike Lindley $23,000.00 $(4,535.00) -19.7%
week profit/loss: -500
WINABOBATOO $105,000.00 $(12,503.00) -11.9%
week profit/loss: 125
FBI combo $52,500.00 $1,577.00 3.0%
week profit/loss: 820
FBI Euro $32,000.00 $(5,965.00) -18.6%
week profit/loss: -4970
Odds pushed out $8,000.00 $1,090.50 13.6%
week profit/loss: 490.50
Personal $8,516.00 $(3,203.64) -37.6%
week profit/loss: -3322
Mistakes $13,735.00 $(13,735.00) -100.0%
week profit/loss: 0