Daily25 Betting Blog

Please explain Pinnacle take 2

In late October I asked why Pinnacle say on their website that everyone gets the same high limits when that was clearly not true. I provided evidence but Pinnacle decided not to reply. You can find that article here.

Well I am back again with a further complaint and something I haven’t seen another book ever do before and a practice that I feel is quite unethical. Once again let me preface this by saying that Pinnacle are the best book out there and I highly recommend them. I guess I am noticing these things because I use them so much and am sure other bookmakers are also doing these sort of things.

So for the past few weeks I have noticed when placing a multi at Pinnacle the odds are always lower then you can get them straight up.

The image is of both the normal market and the parlay market. The parlay market looks different as it goes to the old style. I guess they have not incorporated it into the new asian style. As you can see (you might need to click the image to enlarge it) the vast majority of the odds are well below those available in the singles market.

As an example let’s say I wanted a multi of Macclesfield Town, Draw in Rochdale & Leeds match, and Bolton wanderers. Using the prices from the single bets I would have odds of $32.18, but if I was to place the bet for real my odds would be $31.20. That’s quite a large discrepancy.

Click the image for a larger view

I hope there is a simple explanation for this? I assumed bookmakers loved people who take multis as it pushes the odds even further into their favor.

How do you feel about this? Is it something you have noticed? Should Pinnacles parlay prices be the same as their normal prices or is it fine for them to do this?

I will contact Pinnacle and ask for a response. This post will be updated if they reply.

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