What should I write about next?
I have a massive list of potential blog posts I want to write. There are literally limitless things to write about when it comes to betting. But with so much choice comes paralysis. It’s just like heading to the supermarket to pick up cereal, there are so many choices that at the end you just decide not to get any of them. This is known as the paradox of choice (a great read). So instead of wasting my time figuring out what to write next, I’ll take that burden from my shoulders and give it to you.
I have randomly picked 8 topics from my list of over 100 and the one with the most votes at the end of the week will be the one I write about. So if any of them tickles your fancy then vote for it.
If there is something you want me to write about not on the list, then post it in the comments section.
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What’s so bad with following/liking sportsbook media profiles?
You will just need to wait for the post Patty. Have been testing some stuff and this has proven to be one way to keep accounts open longer. If you have no issues with closed or limited accounts then no worries at all.
I voted for ‘depression and gambling’, but I think I’m more interested in reading about the mental side of sportsbetting. ‘Mental game’ seems to be a pretty major topic in poker now, but I haven’t found too much on it when it comes to sports.
Hi mate, can you point me to articles from the poker world about dealing with losses, would love to read them.
Don’t really have any specific articles to suggest, it just seems variance and downswings are much more widely discussed in poker. (I also think it’s probably easier to get a handle on standard deviation and expected value in poker). Mental game of poker by Jared Tendlar was pretty good (I think there’s a sequel now) and Tommy Angelo writes some interesting stuff.
I played poker as a part-time income for a couple of years, but haven’t done much in the last 3-4 years, so am a bit out of the loop.